NFP WHS & HR Solutions

As a nonprofit Executive Director or Leadership Team member, we’re very aware that you are no doubt well versed in the art of needing to wear multiple hats to continuously, in order to run your organisation while saving funds. However, doing it all on your own is likely to be adding to your overall costs.

Human Resources is one of those areas that NFP’s commonly try to manage themselves, even when it is not within an area of expertise within the organisation.

We understand that working with an NFP status and limited financial resources can sometimes increase your HR challenges, and sometimes you feel you don’t have a choice but to take everything on your shoulders. However, when you outsource your HR to a qualified professional team like ours, we can handle all HR responsibilities for you whilst reducing your actual cost, and free more of your time to run the other aspects of your organisation.

At Processworx, we become your external team – functioning like your own HR department for a much lesser cost. With an HR, WHS or Total Shield service, we can assist you with hiring, onboarding, documentation, training, employee management, engagement, termination, health & safety, regulatory compliance, legal support, and more.

Our services can support you with a range of things; from keeping the workplace safe and positive to ensuring compliance. Our experienced HR outsourced team handles critical functions that help balance your organisation.

We’d love to hear from you. Contact Us for an initial chat on (08) 9316 9896 or by completing our Enquiry Form

Our Shield suite of services deliver a range of support for NFP’s such as;

Here's why our clients tell us that Our Services are so important

Business Compliance ProcessWorx

Business Compliance

We ensure your business is fully compliant with employment and WHS law. Being ahead of compliance is essential and let's you focus on growing your business.

Enhanced Productivity

We ensure your business is fully compliant with employment and WHS law. Don't let your WHS get in the way of your business goals, make it part of your business process.

Reduced Cost

We take away your staff pressures and procedural admin processes. We free up your valuable time, provide expert advice and guidance and draft up all your documentation.

Budget Framework

Our fixed fee modular approach offers piece of mind to allow you to plan, budget, and ensure there are no financial surprises that can affect cash flow and profit.