Public Holidays in WA


Recent debate has increased over whether WA should get two more public holidays, to become level with more of the states in Australia. The two proposed days would be Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday. Here’s what this could mean for small business.

  • The Saturday and Sunday of Easter becoming public holidays would result in penalty rates having to be paid to employees working on those days.
  • Part- and full-time employees would have the choice whether they worked those days, which could result in less staff availability.
  • Store opening hours could be changed depending on the rules surrounding opening hours, especially for retail stores.

It is important to ensure that your workplace policies and procedures surrounding public holidays are up-to-date should these changes occur. Wages and appropriate penalty rates should be considered to see if it is viable for your business to be open on public holidays. Consider the impact that public holidays could have on your part- and full-time staff members, especially if they choose not to work on those days.

For more information on public holidays and how they can impact small business, please contact us on (08) 9316 9896 or

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