Work events: Navigating the Holiday Season


Jenni Torsiello

HR Consultant

As the holiday season approaches, it’s no surprise to see Christmas decorations adorning store aisles and employees already planning their festive work celebrations. However, for employers, this season can be a double-edged sword. While we all yearn to have a great time, there are potential risks involved in organising a work-sponsored event that can impact a business owner or manager.

At ProcessWorx, we’ve assisted clients with event mishaps that have left a lasting impression. In this article, we’ll share some quick tips on how to effectively mitigate these risks when planning and hosting your next work-sponsored event.

Tips for Mitigating Risks:

1. Be Clear on Your Invitations:

When sending out invitations, clarity is key. Ensure that in addition to specifying the date, time, and attendee list, you include the event’s finish time. Mention that company policies and procedures will be in effect, encourage responsible drinking, and provide information on safe transportation to and from the event.

2. Set Clear Expectations:

As the event draws nearer, remind all participants of your expectations regarding behaviour at the work event. Make it clear that inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated and emphasise that it is anticipated that everyone will have a good time while respecting boundaries.

3. Plan for Food and Non-Alcoholic Options:

Whether your event takes place at a venue or on-site, ensure that there are alternative options available, especially for those who choose not to consume alcohol. Having a variety of food and non-alcoholic drinks will help keep everyone comfortable and satisfied.

4. Appoint a Suitable Chaperone:

Designate someone, preferably a member of the senior management team, as the responsible person for the event. This individual should be capable of maintaining order while enjoying the event themselves. Their role is to step in and take appropriate action if necessary.

5. Utilise Your Resources:

If your event is held at a venue, make sure the security staff is aware of their authority to intervene if they observe inappropriate behaviour. Clearly communicate who they should contact in case they need to remove anyone from the premises.

6. Address Inappropriate Behaviour Immediately:

If you witness or are informed of any inappropriate behaviour, such as sexual harassment, act swiftly by removing the person from the event and ensuring they have safe transportation home.

7. Post-Event Follow-up:

After the event, reach out to all attendees for feedback. Encourage individuals who may have experienced or witnessed inappropriate behaviour to speak up. This feedback is invaluable in assessing the event’s overall success and identifying areas for improvement.

We encourage a reflection on the event, what went well and what can be done better next year? This reflection will ensure constant improvement within the business.

8. Take Appropriate Action:

If any complaints or issues arise, adhere to your company’s policies, procedures, and best practices. Seek guidance from professionals like HR Consultants if you’re unsure about the best course of action. At ProcessWorx, we’re always here to assist you.

Work-sponsored events offer a fantastic opportunity to strengthen team bonds and foster a sense of unity within your organisation. While the list of precautions may seem daunting, following these guidelines can help ensure that your event goes off without a hitch and, most importantly, keeps everyone safe. By prioritising responsibility and accountability, you can create a memorable and enjoyable holiday gathering for your team while safeguarding your business’s reputation and integrity.

If you would like to learn how ProcessWorx can help with Human Resources or Work Health & Safety, please contact us on 08 9316 9896, Also watch an Introduction to ProcessWorx.

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