Go To Office Christmas Party Guide


The in the upcoming weeks Australian workplaces will celebrate the year and indulge in festivities with colleagues. The office Christmas party can be the event of the year or a yearly nightmare for employers and HR managers.

Want to know the key to organising a great office Christmas party without the headache of HR issues? ProcessWorx has outlined our top tips to have a fun Christmas party with your employees without the hangover of alcohol-fuelled incidents!

Company Policies Still Apply…

Workplace policies still apply in social work settings, including the code of conduct, harassment and discipline policies. Employees are required to act appropriately in accordance with these policies while attending work functions. Disciplinary action will be taken against employees proven to have engaged in misconduct. Harassment of any nature is unacceptable and refers to any conduct which is unwanted by the recipient, is considered objectionable, and causes humiliation, offence, distress or other detriment. This can include physical contact e.g., gestures or intimidation, verbal e.g. jokes, banter or offensive language, and any behaviour of sexual nature which is unwanted. Employees should be reminded that if any unwelcome behaviour occurs, they are encouraged to make a complaint in accordance with the Grievance procedure. The Christmas season can highlight the importance of having such policies so contact ProcessWorx for assistance with these.  


Be mindful of the amount of alcohol you are providing for the event.  Remind employees that alcohol is no excuse for inappropriate behaviour. Do not enable binge drinking and keep alcohol consumption responsible. Using drink tokens, smaller bar tabs or asking staff to contribute to drinks costs are ways to encourage employees to take responsibility for their consumption.

Similarly, ensure you provide enough food and catering for the amount of alcohol available. Functions with small finger food and freely available alcohol may exacerbate the risk of alcohol-induced inappropriate behaviour. Cater for all employees by providing a range of non-alcoholic drinks as well.


Ensure there are safe transport options for employees to get home safely after the party. Consider the timing and location of the event and if providing taxi vouchers or group rideshare for employees is appropriate.

Secret Santa…

If your team has a Secret Santa or Kris Kringle, remind employees to keep the gifts purchased appropriate and inoffensive. This means that the recipient or others seeing the present should not be offended or feel harassed by gifts exchanged.


Importantly have fun! The Christmas party is about celebrating the achievements of the year and enjoying time together as a team. Most organisations are lucky enough that enjoying a party together doesn’t involve stressful HR incidents, however, if you find your business with an incident, don’t hesitate to contact ProcessWorx to help you work through it.

If you have queries about anything above and want advice personalised to your business, contact us on (08) 9316 9896, or email enquiries@processworx.com.au

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Written by Danielle McNamee

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