The Worst Workplace Hazards in Western Australia

In the dynamic landscape of Western Australia’s industries, ensuring workplace safety is a cornerstone of responsible business practices. Ranging from agriculture to construction, every industry presents its unique set of risks that demand careful attention.

In this article, we summarise some of the key findings compiled by WorkSafe in the recently released Worst hazards in Western Australian workplaces -2012-13 to 2021-22 Report. This report provides insights into the most critical hazards within Western Australia’s workplaces. By examining data on lost years, WorkSafe unveils the underlying risks faced by workers across various industries and identifies the most critical areas needing attention.

Workplace hazards remain a critical issue in Western Australia. Here’s a closer look at some of the statistics in agriculture, road transport, and construction.

Agriculture and Related Industries:

The agriculture, forestry, and fishing industries face significant hazards primarily from animals and trips. Key statistics are shown below:

These numbers highlight the inherent dangers of livestock management and the importance of maintaining safe ground conditions.

Road Transport:

In the road transport industry, trucks are the predominant source of hazards. We can see a clear indication of this in the following statistics:

These figures underscore the necessity for rigorous safety measures in truck operation and handling.


Construction remains one of the most hazardous industries due to falls, trips, and handling issues.

These statistics reveal the critical need for proper site management and ergonomic safety practices.

Worst Hazards Resulting in Injury or Fatality:

A closer look at the years lost due to injuries reveals the following top hazards:

When it comes to fatalities, the most common causes are often distinct from those leading to injuries, with vehicle crashes and electrocutions being particularly deadly:

The disparity between injury and fatality causes highlights the need for targeted safety interventions. While trips and manual handling are prevalent injury sources, vehicle crashes and electrocutions are more lethal.

Reducing Workplace Hazards:

At ProcessWorx, we understand the importance of a holistic approach to address workplace risks. Cultivating a strong safety culture, establishing comprehensive safety management systems, providing regular safety training, and investing in innovative equipment and practices are pivotal steps toward mitigating hazards. By focusing on these areas, workplaces can significantly reduce the years lost to injuries and fatalities, creating a safer environment for all workers.

If you would like to learn how ProcessWorx can help with Human Resources or Work Health & Safety, please contact us on 08 9316 9896, Also watch an Introduction to ProcessWorx.

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